TRIALS Episodes

In one of my early episodes, I covered a case that involved a mom who was convicted of a heinous crime, and the evidence was questionable at best. I then came into possession of the trial transcripts of that case and did a reading of all of these transcripts for the podcast. While to date, I've only done one, I have been asked to do even more which will be coming at some point in the future.
June 30, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 35 - Darlie Routier Bond Hearing - Darin Testifies

Part 3 of Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn't She? In this 3rd episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear Darin Routier testify at the hearing to hold Darlie without bond. We learn some interesting things. You'll a...

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June 23, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 34 - Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn’t She - Part…

Part 2 of Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn't She? In this second episode about Darlie Routier, I do a brief recap of part one and then get into some information on a hearing to hold Darlie without bond. While this does enta...

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