TRIALS Episodes

In one of my early episodes, I covered a case that involved a mom who was convicted of a heinous crime, and the evidence was questionable at best. I then came into possession of the trial transcripts of that case and did a reading of all of these transcripts for the podcast. While to date, I've only done one, I have been asked to do even more which will be coming at some point in the future.
Dec. 12, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 64 - The Trial of Darlie Routier - Day 6 - Officer D…

The Darlie Routier Trial Day 6 - January 14, 1997 Officer David Mayne - Hour 1 In this episode, we're covering the first hour of Officer David Mayne's testimony. Officer Mayne was responsible for photographing the crime sce...

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Dec. 7, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 63 - The Darlie Routier Trial Part 12

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 12 The Darlie Routier Trial Part 12 - We are still on January 10th, 1997 and are finishing up the last two people to testify on this day, Paramedic Brian Koshak and Paramedic Larry Byford. They...

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Nov. 29, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 62 - Darlie Routier Trial Part 11

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 11 *Content Warning* The testimony of Jack Kolbye who was the first paramedic on the scene and who is the last to testify in this podcast episode, is very intense. Listener discretion is advised....

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Nov. 14, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 60 - Darlie Routier Trial Part 10

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 10 The Darlie Routier Trial Part 10 - You'll hear first, the Defense Motion for Mistrial. Then, you'll hear from one more ICU Nurse who tended to Darlie, who speaks about what she had overheard...

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Nov. 3, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 58 - The Darlie Routier Trial Part 9

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 9 The Darlie Routier Trial Part 9 - You'll hear from two ICU Nurses who tended to Darlie; Diane and Paige. Again, they talk about Darlie's arm bruises and how she was acting while she was in th...

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Oct. 25, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 56 - Darlie Routier Trial Part 8

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 8 The Darlie Routier Trial Part 8 - You'll hear from Christopher Wielgosz, the ICU Nurse who tended to Darlie, Phyllis Jackson, a corporal with the Baylor Hospital Police Department who was in ...

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Oct. 11, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 53 - The Trial of Darlie Routier Part 7

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 7 The Darlie Routier Trial Part 7 - The Gag Order, Dr. Dillawn who assisted Dr. Santos in Darlie's surgery, and a nurse who tended to Darlie after her surgery. Darlie currently sits on d...

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Oct. 6, 2023

[TRUE CRIME ] - Ep. 52 - The Trial of Darlie Routier Part 6 - Darlie’…

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 6 - Darlie's Surgeon In this episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear testimony from the surgeon who operated on Darlie when she arrived at the hospital on the morning of June 6, 19...

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Sept. 26, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 50 - The Darlie Routier Trial Part 5 - Analysis of…

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 5 - Analysis of 911 Call In this episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear testimony from Sgt. Poos who is a public information officer for the Rowlett Police Department. You'll also...

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Sept. 8, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 48 - The Darlie Routier Trial Part 4 - Lieutenant Ma…

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 4 - Lieutenant Matthew Walling In this episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear testimony from the second officer on the scene, Lieutenant Matthew Walling. Darlie currently sits...

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Aug. 25, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep: 46 - The Trial of Darlie Routier - Part 3

The Darlie Routier Trial Part 3 - David Waddell Testimony In this episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear testimony from the first officer on the scene, David Waddell. Darlie currently sits on death row at t...

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Aug. 11, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 44 - Darlie Routier Trial Part 2 - The ME for Damo…

Darlie Routier Trial Part 2 - Medical Examiner for Damon and a Neighbor of the Routier's In this 2nd episode of the trial, you will hear a brief recap and then the testimony of Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman, the medical exami...

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Aug. 3, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] - Ep. 41 - Darlie Routier - The Trial Part 1

The Darlie Routier Trial - Part 1 In this first episode of the Darlie Routier trial, you will hear a brief recap and then the reading of the indictment, the opening statements of both the prosecution and the defense, as wel...

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July 21, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 39 - Darlie Routier Part 5 - Bond Hearing Testimony …

Part 5 of Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn't She? The Hearing to Hold Darlie without Bond - Charles Linch Testimony In this 5th episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear Charles Linch, the blood spatter expert ...

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July 12, 2023

[TRUE CRIME] Ep. 37 - Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn’t She? Part 4

Part 4 of Darlie Routier - Did She or Didn't She? The Hearing to Hold Darlie without Bond - Jimmy Patterson Testimony In this 3rd episode about the Darlie Routier case, you will hear Jimmy Patterson, the lead detective on...

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